Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethnographic observation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethnographic observation report - Essay Example Cultural constructs are also well observable in the eventual assessment of the data. There was extreme exposure of cultural issues from the entire field (DeWalt & DeWalt, 2011). Data that was obtained through the entailed participant observation served as check against participants’ prejudiced reporting on regards to what they believe or even do. Undertaken participant observation availed very constructive data for gaining a well understanding of the varying social, physical, cultural, and economic perspectives of the population from which group study participants reside; the relationships amongst and between populace norms, contexts, ideas and outlined events; and their behaviors or activities (AranhaÃŒÆ'o & Streck, 2003). With regards to observation entailed, the data regarding appeal to fashion was highly varying regarding the altering or changing intergenerational segments of the community entailed in the research. Old generation people or old persons exhibited dressing models that indicated less exposure or nakedness while the young people were noted to have dressed in cloths that were very much exposing. The model of eating was well notable as many young people always walked along with snacks in hands while the old people restricted their eating habits to hotels or did not do at all while walking. The access to behaviors of various groups in the process was very comfortlessly possible. Young people or mainly teenagers, old people, drivers, law enforcers and normal working class people were all covered in the process. Teenagers exhibited very risky modes of behavior entirely in the program for the permitted time under which the data collection was taken. They were noted driving while under the influence of drugs or mainly alcohol, instances of driving when apparently fatigued and over speeding were regularly notable thus prompting transport accidents. Other substances similar to

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