Monday, November 4, 2019

Authentically Human Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Authentically Human - Essay Example He suffers from a looped life in which he repeats incomplete actions anxiously. DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) surgery improves a patients brain and helps their lives. After a patient is diagnosed with OCD, doctors can request a DBS surgery. However, after surgery, patients minds are under the control of doctors. In effect, patients do not have the ability to control their feelings and behaviors. However, patients can be able to control themselves and behaviors, as a basic human being. In the essay "Alone Together" by Sherry Turkle, she explores how robots could engage in intimate relationships with persons, as well as become a better life. People consider the ethical aspects of technological controls. Technology controls people’s feelings and constructs the virtual world, which damages social lives that separate the people from the reality. In essence, overreliance on the technologies cannot do anything on its own. Technologies become intimating with the virtual world rather than an authentic world, which is they drift people away from the real life through controlling their feelings. One of the problems associated with the use of DBS is that people change their emotions very rapidly and unreasonably. Slater expresses that along with the development of medical technology, the use of advanced medical technology brings improvement in the fight against diseases such as OCD. This technique was established on DBS treatment, which can lock off a part of humans feelings in order to treat OCD. Mario, who becomes one of the first American psychiatric patients, explains his experiences. He feels that the diagnosis and treatment process that he received from Dr. Greenberg and Rasmussen benefited him a great deal and saved his life. She says, "When Mario talks about that time now, tears come to his eyes. â€Å"It was like a miracle, I still have some OCD symptoms but way, way less. Dr. Greenberg and Rasm ussen saved my life† (241). However, DBS works to bring

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