Monday, March 16, 2020

Writing a Pitch

Writing a Pitch Writing a Pitch Writing a Pitch By Maeve Maddox Those of you planning to enter the Amazon/Penguin Fiction Contest have probably written your pitch by now. Every novelist, sooner or later, must give some thought to the pitch. Like a synopsis a pitch must presentin a short space if written, in a few minutes if spokenan overall description of the novel: main character/s, main conflict, main plot twists, and resolution. The pitch contains additional information about targeted audience and marketability. The Amazon/Penguin contest is expected to draw as many as 10,000 submissions. The 10,000 will be cut to 2,000 on the basis of 300-word pitches. Even if you dont plan to enter, you may find the contest criteria useful in planning the pitch you will eventually need if youre writing a novel. The 300-word contest pitches are expected to give judges a clear idea of the following aspects of the submitted novel: overall strength plot development character development originality of idea writing style intended market how the book fits within this market why the reader would want to read the novel The contents of a pitch are the same as what goes into a query letter. Good luck to those of you planning to enter. Any of our readers who entered last year may want to offer last minute tips. Guidelines for writing a fiction query letter Breakthrough Novel Contest site Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. HadStory Writing 101Oppose and Opposed To

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