Saturday, February 1, 2020

Academic article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Academic article - Essay Example a strategic plan may become accidentally successful, but it much more likely to achieve success, and to maintain its profitability, if it has a plan in place. A company with a strategic plan will know how it has got to current success and thus may be able to continue on this path in the future. This essay will consider aspects of good management and planning through the consideration of one of the most successful companies of recent years: McDonald’s Corporation. A company such as McDonalds, involved in planning first needs to be aware of what exactly is happening at the given moment within the business, and then needs to be able to extrapolate possible outcomes based upon that awareness. The first premise of planning is having as much knowledge as possible. The type of planning which is now occurring has changed radically from that envisioned in the traditional business model. As John Byrne puts it, â€Å"gone are the abstraction, sterility, and top-down arrogance of the old model.† (Byrne, 1) Now managers in the most successful corporations (such as McDonalds) are part of a system in which â€Å"today’s gurus of strategy urge companies to democratize the process†, and they do this â€Å"by handing strategic planning over to teams of line and staff managers from different disciplines.† (Byrne, 1) Often young, junior managers who are noted for their creative thinking are teamed with near-retirement, senior managers who essentially have nothing to lose and so can tell it like it is. So from the most junior to the most senior manager there is a role, both for planning within their own specific area of the business, but also for constant consideration of how that may effect longer-term and more far-reaching plans. Planning is perhaps the central role of all managers, because all the other functions flow from it and must always consider their relationship to it. A business without a plan has no future, and so all the other functions will be redundant. Organization

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